Vaccination (Immunisation) and emla | One World for Children
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Vaccination (Immunisation) and emla®

Pain associated with vaccination depends on the vaccine in question, emla® has been demonstrated to lessen the pain of vaccination and make such procedures more comfortable for the patient. emla® can be used on full-term babies, children and adults. (Dosage varies by age group. Please consult your healthcare professional before using emla). 

Scheduled Vaccinations over a person’s lifetime include:


• Hepatitis B (hepB)

2 months

• Hepatitis B (hepB)
• Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (DTPa)
• Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
• Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)
• Rotavirus

4 months

• Hepatitis B (hepB)
• Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis (DTPa)
• Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
• Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)
• Rotavirus

6 months

• Hepatitis B (hepB)
• Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis (DTPa)
• Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) [See
• Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis) (IPV)
• Pneumococcal conjugate (7vPCV)]
• Rotavirus

12 months

• Hepatitis B (hepB)
• Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
• Measles, mumps and German measles (rubella) (MMR)
• Meningococcal C (MenCCV)

12-24 months

• Hepatitis A (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in high risk areas)

18 months

• Chickenpox (varicella) (VZV)

18-24 months

• Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in high risk areas)
• Hepatitis A (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in high risk areas)

4 years

• Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (DTPa)
• Measles, mumps and German measles (rubella) (MMR)
• Polio (inactivated poliomyelitis) (IPV)

10-13 years

• Hepatitis B
• Chickenpox (varicella) (VZV)

12-18 years (School based program)    

• Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

12-26 years (Community based program)

• Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

15-17 years

• Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (acellular pertussis) (dTPa)

15-49 years

• Influenza (flu) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are medically at-risk)
• Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are medically at-risk)

50 years and over

• Influenza (flu) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)
• Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV) (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)

65 years and over

• Influenza (flu)
• Pneumococcal polysaccharide (23vPPV)

emla® can help overcome the pain from the needle penetration into and through the skin. Clinical studies have shown emla® can reduce crying time by almost 60% and reduce reported clinically ‘significant pain’ by more than 50%. 

For information on immunisation click here
For information on emla® click here