Our Programs
The program in each playroom is developed by the early childhood trained Team Leader, and reflects the individual needs of each child, as well as the needs of the group. All of the programs within the Centre are guided by the Centre's unique philosophy.
What is an early childhood program?
"The types of materials in a classroom and the way in which they are organised convey important messages to children. A room that is attractive, cheerful, orderly, and filled with interesting objects conveys the message: "This is a comfortable place where you can explore, feel safe, and learn". Teachers who are aware of the power of the environment are able to arrange indoor and outdoor spaces to convey the messages they want children to receive". |
(Dodge and Colker, 1992, p. 16; The Creative Curriculum for Early Childhood) |
Our early childhood program is a vehicle for your child's learning and development whilst at the Centre. A program that provides quality experiences for children, and reflects current thinking and early childhood best practice, is a vital component of a quality child care service.
At One World, we understand the importance of appropriate programming for children, and to ensure that our programs are of the highest standard, we employ a Program Co-ordinator within the Centre.
The primary focus of our Program Co-ordinator is to facilitate and actively contribute to the on-going development of innovative educational programs within the Centre that appropriately reflect current thinking and demonstrate best practice. This is achieved through working effectively with the Team Leaders and Kindergarten Teachers on the development of the program in each playroom, and by providing on-going support and guidance to the staff in regards to the program implementation and evaluation.
The Children's Centre's philosophy statement provides the guiding principles for each individual program, and incorporates a focus that we refer to as life skills. This program focus is evident in all playrooms, as well as other aspects of the Centre's operation, and is what makes One World quite unique from other child care services.
In addition to this, our programs are developed to take into account the individual needs of each child within the group, their unique disposition, and their personal likes and dislikes. You can therefore be confident that your child is receiving the best personalised care and education whilst participating in our programs.