Quality commitment | One World for Children
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Quality commitment

In considering the best child care option for your family, you will wish to know the standard of care that you can expect for your family. Standards are set by Government, both State and Commonwealth, to ensure that the Children's Services Centre that your family uses, provides a safe and stimulating environment for your child.


The Children's Centre adheres to the current State Governments' Children's Services Regulations. These regulations are mandatory for all Victorian Child Care Centres and are closely maintained and supervised by the local Children's Services Adviser, who visits the Centre annually and throughout the year.

These regulations are set in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in the Centres' care, and are used to guide any decisions or changes made within our Centre. These regulations stipulate the size of furniture, the area of play spaces and the type of equipment, amongst other things, and provides the staff with procedures to follow in the event of an emergency, accident, or infectious disease occurrences.

The Children's Services Regulations are in place to ensure that the physical environment that we provide for your child is meeting a certain basic standard, that our staffing ratios meet the minimum requirement, and that our procedures and record keeping practices are satisfactory. We do however pride ourselves on consistently providing a high quality service that is always way ahead of the standards required.


In 1994, the Commonwealth Government implemented a National Quality Improvement and Accreditation System to focus on the standard of care and education in child care centres throughout Australia.

The high quality standards of the 10 Quality Areas embraced within the Accreditation document, provide national guidelines for early childhood best practice.

In mid 1996, the Children's Centre was accredited by the National Childcare Accreditation Council for a period of three years, reflecting the highest quality of care recognised by the child care industry.

Our Children's Centre was re-accredited in 1999, 2003 and April 2006. We again received the highest standards possible.

We are pleased that our Centre has been able to achieve and maintain the high quality standards that reflect best practice within the field, and through on-going quality improvement, we will continue to provide you and your family with the very best of care, and service.

We welcome your questions relating to the process of accreditation and the principles contained within, and our Customer Service Officer will be happy to provide you with a booklet containing further information regarding the National Accreditation System should you wish.