Kinder 3 Room News | One World for Children
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Kinder 3 Room News

First of all, we wish to say a big welcome to all our Kinder 3 families this year. We hope this year is full of learning, fun and adventure for your child. This year is a big step in your child’s education. It has been a learning experience already as your child and our staff get to know each other, the rules and expectations we have for each other. This year is a huge year for 3 year olds as they develop many social skills, such as turn taking and co-operating with peers. There are many skills involved in social skills such as listening to each other and patience as they wait for a turn of an experience. These skills are not only important in Kinder but also important in life. Our program caters for the specific age and every experience in our room is set up for a learning opportunity for your child. We have a more structured program and routine to prepare children for Kinder 4 and school.

Group times are held twice a day. These are learning experiences where children sit on the mat and focus their attention to whoever is completing group time. These are approximately 10 minutes long and require children to listen and participate in what is occurring. During the first month children and staff discussed the rules for Kinder 3 inside and outside environments. We have learnt some brain gym exercises. These are called kinaesthetic movements and helps the sides of the brain to work together to create actions. We have completed the moments of ‘Brain buttons’ and ‘Spider taps”. The children have been amazing at taking on all this knowledge. At group times we have been discussing the caterpillar to butterfly lifecycle  in preparation of ‘Living Egg’s’ which visit Kinder 4 soon. We will also have the opportunity to see the eggs hatch into chicks and be able to hold the baby chicks after a few days. The Hungry Caterpillar book has been read and reread numerous times when talking about lifecycles. We discovered some great versions of the story being told by puppets on You-Tube the children have loved.

Other interests our children have enjoyed have been book reading, art work of different varieties, sand play with kitchen equipment, block construction and participating in shop play as they take on differing roles. The Kinder 3 children have also mastered the fireman/person pole outdoors and the red rock wall. The area has been well supervised to help scaffold the children’s learning of these new skills.

We have begun recording observations of your child within Kinder 3 and have begun planning experiences based on what their interest is or what skills to work on within the room. Please feel free to provide input into our program at anytime. We welcome parent’s feedback and interest in our program and room routine. Please come and see us if you have any queries about our program or how your child is going.


Katherine, Jasmine and Mel.

Our direct email address is Feel free to email anytime.

Thank you, Kinder 3 Team