Workshops Online
Our innovative online workshops are a great addition for those working or studying in children's services, or for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of children. With the introduction of a number of exciting and new live sessions added to our growing range, we are sure you will find them invaluable. ENROL NOW
Self Funded workshops - $65
Professional Support Program funding ceased as of July 1st 2014. One World for Children is pleased to offer innovative and flexible online professional development which may be utilised from funding under the Long Day Care Professional Development Programme (LDCPDP). More information is available here.

The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a key aspect of the NQF and sets a national benchmark for early childhood education and care, and outside school hours care services in Australia.
To ensure children enjoy the best possible conditions in their early educational and developmental years, the NQS promotes continuous improvement in quality.
The major benefits for parents and children include:
- improved educator to child ratios
- greater individual care and attention for children
- educators with increased skills and qualifications
- better support for children’s learning and development
- a national register to help parents assess the quality of education and care services in their area.
The National Quality Framework (NQF) sets out minimum qualification requirements for educators working in children's education and care services.
Educators working with children aged from birth to preschool age must have, or be actively working towards an approved certificate III level education and care qualification from 1 January 2014.
To be actively working towards an approved certificate III level qualification, a person must:
- be enrolled in a course for the qualification
- have commenced the course
- be making satisfactory progress towards completion
- meet the requirements to maintain enrolment

Learner's World is a resource and networking community for individuals training and/or working in the children's services industry. Our online network has been developed to support educators in the children’s
Learner’s World gives you access to a substantial variety of different resources to further your education. There are forums to ask questions or get suggestions from other learners and educators, ranging from anything from questions about your assignments, to strategies working with children or just sharing ideas and getting inspiration for activities with the children.services sector.
We offer a range of professional development workshops covering a variety of topics for all skill levels. By participating in any of these workshops you can also access the information afterwards through your learner’s world membership.
- My Profile is where you can update and make changes to your profile
- My Programs allows you to view and access the online programs you are enrolled in to
- My Workshops displays those workshops you are enrolled into, and gives you access to additional information that has been made available to you as a workshop participant
- My Friends check for individuals who you have added to your friends list
- My Communities participate in communities you have joined
- Discussion Board is where you can post topics for discussion with other members
- Announcements is the place we will post any brief messages that may be of interest to our members
