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Units of Competency - Certificate IV in Education Support CHC40213

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Unit titleElements


Work with diverse people

assessment requirements


  1. Reflect on own perspectives
  2. Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits
  3. Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations
  4. Promote understanding across diverse groups


Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

assessment requirements

  1. Identify cultural safety issues in the workplace
  2. Model cultural safety in own work
  3. Develop strategies for improved cultural safety
  4. Evaluate cultural safety strategies


Facilitate ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach

assessment requirements

  1. Identify individual skill development needs
  2. Plan person-centred, ongoing skill development
  3. Implement person-centred, ongoing skills development strategies
  4. Evaluate skills development and review plan
  5. Identify and implement incidental learning opportunities to enhance skills development


Support behaviour of children and young people

assessment requirements

  1. Contribute to a safe and supportive environment
  2. Use positive support techniques
  3. Observe and collect data to assist with development of appropriate strategies for support
  4. Implement strategies to support children or young people who require additional support
  5. Monitor and review strategies


Comply with legislative. policy and industrial requirements in the education environment

assessment requirements

  1. Identify legislative and policy requirements
  2. Comply with legislative and policy requirements
  3. Identify and comply with industrial instruments relating to the job role


Support students' mathematics learning

assessment requirements

  1. Facilitate application of mathematics skills for numeracy
  2. Support students to develop mathematics skills for numerate understanding
  3. Enhance students’ mathematics knowledge and skills through structured activities


Support students' literacy learning

assessment requirements

  1. Encourage and model spoken language
  2. Support students to read and interpret texts
  3. Enhance students’ literacy skills through writing activities
  4. Design resources to support literacy development


Assist in facilitation of student learning

assessment requirements

  1. Apply understanding of current education approaches relevant to the education environment
  2. Establish an environment conducive to student learning
  3. Facilitate the learning process
  4. Support and monitor student learning


Work with students in need of additional support

assessment requirements

  1. Identify problems experienced by students in need of additional support
  2. Contribute to team planning for students in need of additional support
  3. Provide support to students in need of additional support
  4. Provide support to teachers of students in need of additional support


Use education strategies to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander education

assessment requirements

  1. Contribute to a positive education environment
  2. Support community engagement
  3. Support the cultural identity of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
  4. Support literacy and numeracy strategies


Facilitate learning for students with disabilities

assessment requirements

  1. Comply with policies, procedures and legislation that addresses work with students with disabilities
  2. Demonstrate inclusive practices
  3. Provide support to the teacher of students with disabilities
  4. Contribute to an education adjustment profile for students with disabilities


Provide support to students with autism spectrum disorder

assessment requirements

  • Research autism spectrum disorder
  • Provide support to students with autism spectrum disorder
  • Provide support to teachers of students with autism spectrum disorder


Support learning and implmentation of responsible behaviour

assessment requirements

  1. Research and document legislative and organisation policy requirements
  2. Create safe learning environments to socially support student learning
  3. Support implementation of strategies for student responsibility in behaviour management


Respond to client language, literacy and numeracy needs

assessment requirements

  1. Establish client’s LLN needs
  2. Determine strategies to address LLN needs
  3. Implement strategies to address LLN needs


Reflect on and improve own professional practice

assessment requirements

  1. Reflect on own practice
  2. Enhance own practice
  3. Facilitate ongoing professional development


Identify and respond to children and young people at risk

assessment requirements

  1. Implement work practices which support the protection of children and young people
  2. Report indications of possible risk of harm
  3. Apply ethical and nurturing practices in work with children and young people


Participate in work health and safety

assessment requirements

  • Follow safe work practices
  • Implement safe work practices
  • Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace
  • Reflect on own safe work practices