Unit title | Elements |
Use communication to build relationships
unit assessment requirements
- Communicate with clients and co-workers
- Address communication needs
- Facilitate meetings
Work with diverse people
unit assessment requirements
- Reflect on own perspectives
- Appreciate diversity and inclusiveness, and their benefits
- Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations
- Promote understanding across diverse groups
Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
unit assessment requirements
- Identify cultural safety issues in the workplace
- Model cultural safety in own work
- Develop strategies for improved cultural safety
- Evaluate cultural safety strategies
Support behaviour of children and young people
unit assessment requirements
- Contribute to a safe and supportive environment
- Use positive support techniques
- Observe and collect data to assist with development of appropriate strategies for support
- Implement strategies to support children or young people who require additional support
- Monitor and review strategies
Comply with legislative. policy and industrial requirements in the education environment
unit assessment requirements
- Identify legislative and policy requirements
- Comply with legislative and policy requirements
- Identify and comply with industrial instruments relating to the job role
Assist implementation of planned educational programs
unit assessment requirements
- Contribute to planning and preparation of educational program
- Assist in the implementation of planned educational program
- Contribute to a consistent and stable learning environment
- Contribute to individual and group assessment in consultation with the teacher
Contribute to student education in all developmental domains
unit assessment requirements
- Support the physical development of students
- Support the social and emotional development of students
- Support the cognitive and language development of students
- Contribute to the inclusion of all students in the classroom and community
Contribute to organsiation and management of classroom or centre
unit assessment requirements
- Manage self in classroom
- Select and utilise equipment effectively
- Prepare and maintain teaching aids, materials and resources
- Monitor classroom supplies
- Process and maintain information (documents and records)
- Operate computers, printers and current technological equipment used in classroom activities
- Contribute to the organisation and coordination of school/centre activities
Support the development of literacy and oral language skills
unit assessment requirements
- Identify oral language, reading and writing skills
- Work within guidelines of literacy program
- Support student literacy
Support the development of numeracy skills
unit assessment requirements
- Apply developmental and learning approaches to basic numeracy skills under supervision of teacher
- Implement a numeracy support program
- Support student numeracy programs
Work effectively with students and colleagues
unit assessment requirements
- Communicate effectively with students
- Use current, recognised good practice techniques of communication
- Work effectively with diverse students and colleagues
Comply with school administrative requirements
unit assessment requirements
- Complete forms and documents as required
- Store and access information appropriately
- Manage enquiries in accordance with school policy and procedures
- Complete written documentation
- Use technology to support administrative and education support activities
Search and assess online information
unit assessment requirements
- Determine and assess information requirements in consultation with teache
- Locate online information
- Retrieve, evaluate and report on information
Set up and sustain individual and small group learning areas
unit assessment requirements
- Create a positive physical learning space
- Organise learning resources
- Prepare to provide education support to students
- Manage a learning timetable
Contribute to the health and safety of students
unit assessment requirements
- Maintain a safe environment
- Maintain a hygienic and healthy environment
- Supervise students in conjunction with teacher
- Deal with emergency situations
- Support the health and wellbeing of students
Support students with additional needs in the classroom environment
unit assessment requirements
- Work with others to support students with additional needs
- Support individual students with additional needs
- Assist with classroom programs to support students with additional needs
- Contribute to learning opportunities
Participate in work health and safety
unit assessment requirements
- Follow safe work practices
- Implement safe work practices
- Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace
- Reflect on own safe work practices