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Maltreatment of Children

maltreatmentAs early childhood professionals, Qualified Educators are mandated by the Children’s Services Act to immediately report to the Department of Health and Community Services, any suspected case of child abuse or neglect.

Should you have a concern that a child is being maltreated either physically, emotionally or sexually you are required to follow the following procedure:

  • Raise the matter in confidence to the Qualified Educator in your room (if you are unqualified) and notify the manager immediately
  • The Qualified Educator will observe the child, taking observations and making relevant notes
  • From these notes the Qualified Educator and management will make a decision and management will contact the relevant authorities

When a parent comes to you with concerns:

  • Listen to the parents concern and record the details as accurately as possible
  • Meet with management and discuss the issue, management will then act accordingly

Where you have a concern regarding another staff member’s behaviour:

Child maltreatment warrants instant dismissal of an employee. If you witness any maltreatment of children by any staff member it must be reported to management immediately. Management will:

  1. Ask you to be involved in writing an incident report
  2. Arrange an interview with the staff member
  3. Advise them of dismissal (this is for verbal or physical abuse)

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