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Dealing with Medical Conditions


One World Children’s Centre will support the enrolment of children and families with specific health care requirements.

This policy should be read in conjunction with:

  • Anaphylaxis Policy
  • Asthma Policy
  • Medication Policy

Relevant Legislation and Standard

Relevant legislation and standards include but are not limited to:

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010: Section 173

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011: Regulations 90, 91, 96

Health Act 1958

Health Records Act 2001

National Quality Standard, Quality Area 2:

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

If a child with a chronic illness or medical condition that requires invasive clinical procedures or support is accepted by the service, it is vital that prior arrangements are negotiated with the parent/guardian, authorised nominees or appropriate health care workers to prepare for the event that the child will require a procedure while in attendance at the service. Parents/guardians and the service should liaise with either the child’s medical practitioner or other appropriate service providers to establish such an arrangement. Arrangements must be formalised following enrolment and prior to the child commencing at the service.

Self-administration by a child over preschool age

Services who provide education and care to a child over preschool age (as defined in the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011) may allow a child over preschool age to self-administer medication. The Approved Provider must consider their duty of care when determining under what circumstances such permission would be granted.

  • Where a child over preschool age can self-administer medication/medical procedures, written permission must be provided by the child’s parent/guardian.
  • Parents/guardians will provide written details of the medical information and administration protocols from the child’s medical/specialist medical practitioner(s).
  • The self-administration of medication or medical procedures by children over preschool age will be undertaken only under the supervision of a staff member with current approved first aid qualifications.

The Approved Provider (or delegate) is responsible for:

  • ensuring that all staff and volunteers are provided with a copy of this policy and have a clear understanding of the procedures and practices outlined within
  • developing and implementing a communication plan and encouraging ongoing communication between parents/guardians and staff regarding the current status of the child’s specific health care need, allergy or other relevant medical condition, this policy and its implementation
  • ensuring relevant educators/staff receive regular training in managing specific health care needs such as asthma management, anaphylaxis management and any other specific procedures that are required to be carried out as part of the care and education of a child with specific health needs 
  • ensuring at least one educator/staff member who has current accredited training in emergency management requirements for specific medical conditions is in attendance and immediately available at all times that children are being educated and cared for by the service
  • ensuring families and educators/staff understand and acknowledge each other’s responsibilities under these guidelines
  • ensuring families provide information on their child’s health, medications, allergies, their medical practitioner’s name, address and phone number, emergency contact names and phone numbers, and a medical management plan signed by their medical practitioner, following enrolment and prior to the child commencing at the service
  • ensuring that a risk minimisation plan (refer to Anaphylaxis Policy for a sample risk minimisation plan) is developed for each child with specific medical conditions on enrolment or upon diagnosis, and that the plan is reviewed at least annually
  • ensuring that parents/guardians who are enrolling a child with specific health care needs are provided with a copy of this and other relevant service policies
  • ensuring that the emergency contact numbers is displayed near all telephones
  • identifying specific training needs of educators/staff who work with children diagnosed with a medical condition, and ensuring, in consultation with the Approved Provider, that educators/staff access appropriate training
  • ensuring food preparation, food service and casual staff are informed of children and staff who have specific medical conditions or food allergies, the type of condition or allergies they have, and the service’s procedures for dealing with emergencies involving allergies and anaphylaxis
  • ensuring a copy of the child’s medical management plan is visible and known to staff in the service. prior to displaying the medical management plan, the centre co-ordinator must explain to parents/guardians the need to display the plan for the purpose of the child’s safety and obtain their consent
  • providing information to the community about resources and support for managing specific medical conditions while respecting the privacy of families enrolled at the service
  • maintaining ongoing communication between educators/staff and parents/guardians in accordance with the strategies identified in the communication plan, to ensure current information is shared about specific medical conditions within the service

Certified Supervisors and other educators are responsible for:

  • ensuring that children do not swap or share food, food utensils or food containers
  • communicating any relevant information provided by parents/guardians regarding their child’s medical condition to the Nominated Supervisor to ensure all information held by the service is current
  • being aware of individual requirements of children with specific medical conditions
  • administering medications as required, in accordance with the medication procedure
  • monitoring signs and symptoms of specific medical conditions and communicating any concerns to the Nominated Supervisor
  • adequately supervising all children, including those with specific medical conditions
  • ensuring opportunities for a child to participate in any activity, exercise or excursion that is appropriate and in accordance with their risk minimisation plan
  • informing the Nominated Supervisor of any issues that impact on the implementation of this policy.

Parents/guardians are responsible for:

  • informing the service of their child’s medical conditions, if any, and informing the service of any specific requirements that their child may have in relation to their medical condition
  • developing a risk minimisation plan with the centre co-ordinator
  • providing a medical management plan signed by a medical practitioner, either on enrolment or immediately upon diagnosis of an ongoing medical condition. This medical management plan must include a current photo of the child and must clearly outline procedures to be followed by educators/staff in the event of an incident relating to the child’s specific health care needs
  • meeting the cost of training staff to perform specific medical procedures as relevant to their child, as required
  • notifying the centre co-ordinator of any changes to the status of their child’s medical condition and providing a new medical management plan in accordance with these changes
  • informing the centre co-ordinator of any issues that impact on the implementation of this policy by the service


National Health and Medical Research Council (2005), Staying Healthy in Child Care: Preventing

infectious diseases in child care, available at

Health and Safety in Children’s Services, Model Policies and Practices, 2nd Edition (2003)

Medical Management Plan

This medical management plan is to be completed by the child’s doctor and reviewed every 12 months

Child’s Name:                                                                                    

Female   Male    Date of Birth:                                                                                    

Insert Photo here


Parent’s Name:                                                                                    

Telephone: (H)                               (W)                                   (M)                                    

Emergency contact (e.g parent):                                                                                   


Emergency contact: Telephone:

(H)                                      (W)                                          (M)                                          

Doctor:                                                Telephone:                                                            

Ambulance subscriber:    Yes       No

Medical condition:






Action and treatment:








Parent’s Signature:                                                                 Date:                         

Doctors Signature:                                                                 Date:                          

Risk minimisation plan: To be completed by the service in consultation with parents

Risks of the medical condition:




Strategies to minimise the risk/s and person responsible:





Staff signature:                                                                 Date:                              

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