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Collection of Children

collection of childrenThe Children Services Regulations require all Centres to keep records of lawful authority, contact and residence arrangements for children. During enrolment parents complete an authorisation statement in regards to lawful authority and who has permission to collect their child.

Persons unknown to you must be questioned on their arrival to collect a child and lawful authority forms checked. If the person collecting the child is not listed, he or she will be unable to leave the Centre with the child. (if the person is listed and you or any other staff have never met them before you are required to ask for photo identification to confirm their identity).

Should the person who has come to collect the child not have authorisation office staff/management will notify the parent by phone to confirm authorisation for that day. If we are unable to contact the parent the child will not be able to leave the premises.

Please seek office staff or management’s assistance should this occur.

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