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Code of Practice

code of practiceThe development and implementation of an environmentally sound code of practice underpinned by the principles of conservation and environment protection, was a charter of the Environmental Work Team. The following Code of Practice has been developed to this end which, for the healthy growth and well-being of both the children and adults, for the protection and care of the environment, and in order to maintain consistency and ongoing reinforcement of environmentally responsible behaviours and attitudes, we ask all parents, staff, students and visitors to recognise and practice the following at all given opportunities.

At the Children’s Centre we always endeavour to…

  • Take care to ensure plants and animals are not harmed when playing outdoors
  • Plant predominantly native trees and shrubs in the garden
  • Kitchen staff to take home food scraps for animals
  • Sweep rather than hose down paths
  • Water garden only in the early morning or late afternoon
  • Provide water containers at the sandpit rather than allow a running hose
  • Ensure that all staff and children respect our no hat, no outdoor play policy at all times
  • Soak paintbrushes and other activity utensils before washing them, and discourage water wastage by not running taps for extended periods
  • Provide half-flush toilets
  • Use both dishwasher and washing machine only when it is environmentally responsible to do so
  • Not use drains as a means of disposing unwanted materials
  • Conserve energy by using natural lights as much as possible and by turning off unnecessary lights when leaving rooms
  • Use natural gas rather than electricity for heating, cooking and hot water
  • Buy products in bulk or recyclable containers and avoid products with excess packaging
  • Use utensils etc at functions which are not disposable
  • Provide bins for recycling - indoors and outdoors and arrange for collection of waste, paper, plastics, aluminium, steel and glass
  • Use unbleached, not white or coloured toilet paper
  • Provide handkerchiefs rather than tissues and hand towels rather than disposable paper towels for hand drying
  • Use recycled paper for tainting, drawing, collage and office notes
  • Avoid the use of throwaway plastic wrappings by using containers with lids and tea towels
  • Purchase paints in powder rather than liquid form
  • No use food as play material
  • Use only recycled materials for all art activities such as collage and threading
  • Provide and use environmentally sound cleaning materials such as bi-carb, vinegar and spirits of orange where appropriate
  • Give due consideration to the potential of any item in regard to repair, reuse or recycling before disposing
  • Use the garden and outdoor environment as a learning environment and a natural resource
  • Involve children in all activities in regard to gardening, recycling and care of the animals
  • Ensure that all things borrowed from the garden for play purposes are replaced in the garden after use
  • Avoid overuse of plastic and manufactured play materials and use whenever possible natural or recycled alternatives
  • Be alert to potential learning opportunities as they arise and extend these experiences by providing books and other resources whenever appropriate
  • Encourage parent involvement in environmentally responsible practices by collecting waste materials for collage
  • Make double-side photocopies and/or use the reverse side for written notes
  • Recycle all envelopes and avoid using envelopes whenever possible i.e. by fastening newsletters and addressing the blank side and providing material pouches for fee payments

And above all

At all times be a good model for children by modelling attitudes, values and behaviours that demonstrate respect and care for ourselves, each other and our environment.

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